Renu Therapy Blog

How Much is a Cold Plunge Tank? Get Your Own Therapy at Home

How Much is a Cold Plunge Tank? Get Your Own Therapy at Home

Nothing can provide refreshing relief quite like cold plunge tubs can. Sometimes called a cold plunge tank, these cold water therapy tools—filled with cold water—deliver a host of mental and...

Guide To Wim Hof Breathing Contrast Water Therapy Techniques

Guide To Wim Hof Breathing Contrast Water Therapy Techniques

Who Is Wim Hof And Why Use His Method? Many people know of Wim Hof as the "Iceman." As a man who can withstand immersions in ice water for almost...

Why Should Runners Have a Cold Therapy Bathtub Session After a Marathon?

Why Should Runners Have a Cold Therapy Bathtub Session After a Marathon?

The Benefits Of Cold Therapy After Running Reduce inflammation After a marathon, muscles and joints can swell, causing discomfort. Cold tub therapy causes blood vessels to constrict, helping reduce inflammation...

Cold Tub Therapy Benefits For Athletes

Cold Tub Therapy Benefits For Athletes

Why do athletes take ice baths? Ice baths are commonly cited as an effective means of leveraging the body's natural healing capabilities. And if you're seeking the fastest athletic recovery,...

The Chilly Way to Shed Pounds: Do Cold Plunges Help Lose Weight?

The Chilly Way to Shed Pounds: Do Cold Plunges Help Lose Weight?

What Exactly Is Cold Water Therapy? Cold water therapy is the practice of submerging oneself in water that’s below 59°F to treat injuries, muscle soreness, and stimulate numerous other health...

Can Above Ground Plunge Tubs Help Treat Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Can Above Ground Plunge Tubs Help Treat Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Studies have found that different types of cold therapy can lead to positive outcomes for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and fibromyalgia. Two main types of cold therapy include...

Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: The Average In-Ground Cold Plunge Tub Cost

Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: The Average In-Ground Cold Plunge Tub Cost

What are In-Ground Cold Plunge Pools? An in-ground cold tub pool is a small but deep pool designed to wade or take short plunges in rather than swimming or using...

Adam Carolla’s RENU Therapy Cold Tub Experience

Adam Carolla’s RENU Therapy Cold Tub Experience

How Did Adam Carolla Get Started With His RENU Cold Tub? Adam Carolla explained his experience starting with ice bath sessions in his RENU Therapy Cold Stoic TM Plunge Tank...