Renu Therapy Blog

home cold plunge

7 Benefits of Soaking in Ice Water Guaranteed to Convince You to Take the Plunge

As more science is uncovered revealing the benefits of cold plunging, more people are buying cold plunges for their homes. Professional athletes and physical therapists have been using cold plunge...

Are Ice Baths Expensive? Is it Worth Buying Your Own Cold Plunge Tub?

Are Ice Baths Expensive? Is it Worth Buying Your Own Cold Plunge Tub?

Ice baths are becoming increasingly popular as people learn about the many benefits of cold water therapy. Many people are looking for an ice bath tub for sale as a way...

6 Reasons You Should Get an Ice Bath Tub for Home

6 Reasons You Should Get an Ice Bath Tub for Home

Do you often come home from intense workouts and wish you had a more effective recovery method? One of the best ways to recover faster is with cold exposure in...

Best Cold Therapy Tubs For Injury Recovery

Best Cold Therapy Tubs For Injury Recovery

Harness The Healing Power Of Water Taking a post-workout plunge in an ice bath has been a common practice among athletes for decades now. Sometimes called cold water immersion or...

Hidden Benefits of Cold Therapy: Skin Care

Hidden Benefits of Cold Therapy: Skin Care

Have You Considered Trying Skin Icing? Undoubtedly, using cold water immersion (CWI), cold plunging, home cold plunge, cold shower, or cold baths for skincare has been a cornerstone of beauty...

How to Set Up an Athlete Ice Bath Tub Like a Pro

How to Set Up an Athlete Ice Bath Tub Like a Pro

  For people seeking the fastest athletic recovery, the benefits of cold therapy have been widely advocated for years. Improved cardiovascular efficiency, reduced recovery times, the ability to rapidly lower...